Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Willie Garson - and Nathen.

Yeah, I was expecting my next post to be on something that's not White Collar, but I noticed this extra-ordinary article on a celebrity baby blog [? that title is pretty damn cute.] and I thought it was even good enough to be classified as inspiration for a story.

And I noticed it way too late. So if you already know all about Willie Garson's adoptive son, you might as well turn away.

For those of you who don't know Willie Garson, he's White Collar's 'burnt out, beat philosopher', as Jeff Eastin stated at Comic Con last year, but to all of us, he's much more than than that. Many hearts stopped beating for a few moments when the show's 'patch-work man' shot him, and they actually left us to wait more than four months to find out what happens (thanks to spoilers, I recovered soon enough). Again, at Comic Con, Willie also revealed that he has never read his script before. Admirable guy.

Willie Garson was unlucky with love (I don't understand how. Millions of people all over the world love him). He realized four years ago that he was nowhere close to finding the woman of his dreams. 

Most people want infants, he thinks. But he knows he fell in love with Nathen. 

During the month of October, 2008, Willie Garson attended an L.A adoption fair, and that's where he first saw Nathen, the adorable little guy in the picture. The upside-down one, I mean.

"He was balancing himself on a curb, and I was like. that's my kid." he says to People. "I knew it right then."

They bonded through sleepovers and playing-visits, all supervised. Nathen then moved into Willie's three-bedroom L.A house in February, 2009.

After more than a year of paperwork and screening, with the help of the Alliance for Children’s Rights and Westside Children’s Centeron January, 2010, Nathen officially became Willie's son. They wore suits, split a steak, and Manny the waiter did magic tricks to celebrate the new duo. 

Nathen's now settled considerably into family life. He even acted in a school play, Grease. "He played Doody," Willie proudly proclaimed. "It was the finest production of Grease in history." Now I wonder where that comes from. *scratches head*

Willie says that his biggest challenge as a Dad is helping Nathan out with his homework. 

I find all this utterly charming and heart-warming. Adoption always is, but knowing about Willie to a fair extent makes it so believable that both of them are having the time of their lives.

Reminds me of 'Forging Bonds', a White Collar episode. These are a couple of screenshots, during the scene when Mozzie finds out Neal tricked him and made off with a thousand dollars. There's a pre-tty interesting guest appearance.

Mozzie: Kiddo, you want to earn ten bucks?
Nathen: Twenty.

Mozzie: Seriously? (Aw...)

Nathen: (holding out a tiny hand) You gonna stiff me this time?

Mozzie: (sighs heavily) Go you little weasel, follow that guy.
Nathen ducks under his arm and runs after Neal.
Mozzie: He's in my training program. 

:) :)

But I guess like every awesome Dad would, Willie dreads the day Nathen wouldn't need him anymore. Sometimes, when Nathen can't sleep at night, he sneaks into Willie's bedroom, "and I say, 'Nathen, in four years you're going to not want to talk to me'."

And Nathen says, "No, Dad, I'm always going to want to hug and kiss you." 

Willie and Nathen. :)

Special thanks to People magazine, and ONTD.

Monday, March 14, 2011

SEASON 3 (Shooting, I remind myself) STARTS!!!!



Jeff Eastin just tweeted these. I'm not excited. At all. 

Click pictures to see where they came from.

not excited. *shakes head*

from Jeff Eastin's twitter. Follow him for more awesome pictures.   

So they're not angry at each other? Or is this Tim and Matt? What's going on??? *sighs and growls* I'm going on strike. *hugs them all before I leave*

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Marsha Thomason. She plays Diana Berrigan in White Collar, one of my favorite TV shows of all time. With her adorable British accent, beautiful smile and mysterious tatoo(Tim Dekay winks at you), Marsha is one actress who deserves much more popularity than she gets. She makes every scene she's in marked with her signature. Makes her presence unforgettable. According to me, her great, respectful partnership with Peter is the fourth best relationship in the series(next to Neal-Peter, Peter-Elizabeth, and Neal-Mozzie).

In an interview she describes playing Diana as a 'tough chick'(ROFL) and that she doesn't take crap from anyone. She says that her character will go 'up and up and up, all the way to the top', with cute hand gestures, meaning that she is that dedicated to being an FBI agent. She really loves Peter, which I love, says that she wants to be like Peter when she grows up(I gush). 

I kind of have a similar relationship with Tim, personally... not that he's taken me under his wing, but I certainly respect and look up to him, and I really like that relationship.
I wonder why this makes me so happy. 

And she's 'bemused' by Neal (Hee hee), but she sees that Peter trusts Neal to a large extent, and Diana really trusts Peter, and that has an effect on her.

Too much TV. Reads on the job. Loves going to dance classes. Has a sense of humor that people might be surprised to find out. No, I'm talking about her.

I dare you to take a look at this video and tell me you don’t agree with me that she is totally CUTE. Dare you.


"...on second thought, Neal - cream, no sugar."

"We have agents for that."

"I have something better. I have you."
Neal is so dead. The real Neal.

Peter: *$&%^#@^!&$*%

 “Hi, boss. Why is Neal in your office?”

“Neal is posing as Peter so a witness will tell us about an energy collusion scam.”

Hee hee. Lookie all dat sugah! Peteh, Peteh.

“I'm going in.”


“Come on! Let me bring him a file.
“No. What do you have?

Diana is such an angel.
“Uh-uh. This is for Peter.”

 Peter growls. Diana! 


 Marsha Thomason, playing

Diana Berrigan

Better not mess with her. 

OrTim'll 'Start with your thumbs."

OKAY, I was waiting for a chance to use that last gif. Got too carried away.

Thanks,  [info]china_shop, for the icon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Big Day. Castle involved.

And I mean it. BIG day.

Physics boards were not that good. :( :( But that's fine. :) Maybe Chem will make up for it.

So I got home, tried to read a chapter, and then got stuck with the latest episode of Castle. It was a two-parter, this time, an
d this was the second part.

My reaction to the episode:

Yep. That was me. Both of them put together x1000 with whipped cream on top.

It was incredible, touching, tense, funny, and it was an awesome way to remind me how adorable, charming, smart and lovable Richard Castle is, especially after I abandoned it, like two weeks before the first part (Sniff sniff. Will make it a point to watch those somehow).

It was just like Castle to do whatever he did this week. So damn believable.

And guys? Is it hugging week or something?


I don't know if you're going to believe it, but every time I watch this scene, I quickly dare myself not to grin. 

And I'm such a loser.
I love everything about it. Peter's hair, Neal's hair, Neal's shiny suit, the crinkles formed on Peter's cheek, EVERYTHING.


And a cool promo for the first part!